Western Power – Northam Substation Transform Bund
Feb 2023 - Current
The project entailed a broad spectrum of activities, including the provision, installation, construction, and removal of both civil and primary electrical infrastructure. This involves a range of tasks such as site preparation, the creation of new concrete footings and foundations, the erection of a fresh transformer bund and the placement of precast concrete fire walls.
Additionally, the project encompasses supply and installation of conduits, new earthing grid for the new assets and installation of Puraceptor and drainage systems from the transformer bund. Cable trenches are also put in place in conjunction with structural activities, facilitating the installation of high-voltage cables and earthing systems. Moreover, the project involves the decommissioning of the 66kV yard, followed by the reinstatement of the site and surfacing to ensure the successful conclusion.
• The Works includes supply, installation, construction, and removal of civil and primary electrical infrastructure.
• Siteworks
• Construction of new concrete footings and foundations
• Construction of new transformer bund
• Construction and installation of precast concrete fire walls
• Trenching and backfilling for installation of conduits and earthing conductors
• Installation of conduits
• Installation of Puraceptor and drainage
• Installation of cable trenches
• Construction of structural Works
• Installation of HV cable
• Installation of earthing
• Decommissioning of the 66kV yard
• Site reinstatement and surfacing
Project Stats:
Concrete: 110m³
Reinforcement: 11T
Operational Capacity: 12